
5세 배우기 좋은 영단어와 기초문장

천송이 만송이 2024. 11. 2. 15:59

1. 동물 (Animals)

Dog, Cat, Fish, Bird, Lion, Tiger, Bear, Frog, Cow, Duck

2. 색깔 (Colors)

Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Pink, Purple, Black, White, Brown

3. 가족 (Family)

Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother, Grandma, Grandpa, Baby, Family

4. 음식 (Food)

Apple, Banana, Orange, Bread, Milk, Water, Rice, Egg, Cheese, Fish

5. 신체 부위 (Body Parts)

Head, Hand, Arm, Leg, Foot, Eye, Ear, Nose, Mouth, Finger

6. 날씨 (Weather)

Sunny, Rainy, Cloudy, Windy, Snowy, Hot, Cold, Warm, Cool

7. 장소 (Places)

Home, School, Park, Zoo, Store, Playground, Garden

8. 숫자 (Numbers)

One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten

이런 단어들은 아이가 영어에 흥미를 느끼고 기본적인 의사소통에 도움이 되도록 돕는 기초 단어들입니다!

영유 5세가 쉽게 배울 수 있는 기초 문장도 주제별로 알려드릴게요.


1. 동물 (Animals)

This is a dog.

I see a cat.

The bird is flying.

I like lions.

2. 색깔 (Colors)

The sky is blue.

My shirt is red.

I like yellow.

The apple is green.

3. 가족 (Family)

This is my mom.

I have a sister.

My dad is tall.

I love my family.

4. 음식 (Food)

I like apples.

I drink milk.

This is my bread.

I eat eggs for breakfast.

5. 신체 부위 (Body Parts)

This is my hand.

I have two eyes.

My nose is small.

I can see with my eyes.

6. 날씨 (Weather)

It is sunny today.

I like rainy days.

It is cold outside.

The weather is hot.

7. 장소 (Places)

I go to school.

The park is fun.

We play at the playground.

I like the zoo.

8. 숫자 (Numbers)

I am five years old.

I have two hands.

There are three cats.

I see four birds.


이런 문장들은 단어와 함께 배우기 좋고, 아이가 말하기 연습을 하면서 기본적인 영어 문장을 익힐 수 있어요!