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5세가 배우기 좋은 나라와 느낌 관련 영어 단어와 예시문장

5세가 배우기 좋은 나라와 느낌 관련 영어 단어들을 알려드릴게요.


나라 (Countries)

Korea (한국)

Japan (일본)

China (중국)

America (미국)

Canada (캐나다)

France (프랑스)

Italy (이탈리아)

Australia (호주)

Brazil (브라질)

Egypt (이집트)

느낌 (Feelings)

Happy (행복한)

Sad (슬픈)

Angry (화난)

Scared (무서운)

Excited (신이 난)

Tired (피곤한)

Hungry (배고픈)

Thirsty (목마른)

Surprised (놀란)

Bored (지루한)



나라 (Countries)

1. I live in Korea.

2. My friend is from Japan.

3. China is a big country.

4. I want to visit America.

5. Canada is very cold in winter.

느낌 (Feelings)

1. I am happy today.

2. She feels sad because it’s raining.

3. He is angry at his broken toy.

4. I am scared of spiders.

5. She is excited to go to the park.

6. I feel tired after playing.

7. He is hungry for lunch.

8. She is thirsty and needs water.

9. I was surprised by the magic trick.

10. He is bored and wants to play.